Hebrew Printing in Bohemia and Moravia (38)
And you shall tell your son... Haggadot in the collections of the Jewish Museum in Prague (37)
Defying the Beast - The Jewish Museum in Prague, 1906–1940 (35)
Friedrich Feigl (1884–1965) –Paintings, Drawings and Graphic Art (34)
Baroque Synagogues in the Czech Lands (33)
The Second Life of Czech Torah Scrolls (32)
Thesauration and Presentation … (31)
Židovská menšina v Československu po druhé světové válce [The Jewish Minority in Czechoslovakia after the Second World War] (30)
Židovská menšina v Československu v letech 1956 – 1968 [The Jewish Minority in Czechoslovakia, 1956 – 1968] (29)
Židé v Čechách 3 [The Jews in Bohemia 3] (28)
Židé v Čechách 2 [The Jews in Bohemia 2] (27)
Židovská menšina za druhé republiky [The Jewish Minority during the Second Republic of Czechoslovakia] (25)
Moje setkání s židovstvím [My Encounters with Jewishness] (23)
Golem v náboženství, vědě a umění [The Golem in Religion, Science and Art] (22)
Americká židovská literatura [American Jewish Literature] (21)
Fase pražských židovských rodin z let 1748-1749 (1751) [Sworn Declarations of Prague Jewish Families, 1748–1749 (1751)] (20)
Ark of Memory (19)
Prague Synagogues (17)
Jewish Prague (16)
Built by Angels (13)
Silver Judaica (12)
Hebrew Abbreviations (9)
100 Items from the Jewish Museum in Prague (8)

And you shall tell your son... Haggadot in the collections of the...

Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery, featuring a selection of the oldest and most interesting...
And you shall tell your son... Haggadot in the collections of the Jewish Museum in Prague
3,33 €
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Defying the Beast - The Jewish Museum in Prague, 1906–1940

Catalogue for the exhibition of the same name at the Robert Guttmann Gallery, which focuses on the beginnings of the Jewish Museum in Prague and presents a...
Defying the Beast - The Jewish Museum in Prague, 1906–1940
4,17 €
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Friedrich Feigl (1884–1965) –Paintings, Drawings and Graphic Art

Catalogue for an exhibition of artworks by Friedrich Feigl (1884–1965) at the Jewish Museum's Robert Guttmann Gallery. Written by Arno Pařík, it focuses on...
Friedrich Feigl (1884–1965) –Paintings, Drawings and Graphic Art
3,33 €
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Baroque Synagogues in the Czech Lands

In addition to an introductory study on the main types of 17th- and 18th-century synagogues in Bohemia and Moravia, this catalogue provides detailed...
Baroque Synagogues in the Czech Lands
9,17 €
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The Second Life of Czech Torah Scrolls

Catalogue for an exhibition on the fate of the Torah scrolls from Bohemia and Moravia that are now on loan to Jewish communities throughout the world for...
The Second Life of Czech Torah Scrolls
2,50 €
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Thesauration and Presentation …

A collection of papers given over the course of a working seminar at the Jewish Museum’s Education and Culture Centre on 9 March 2006. The seminar took place...
Thesauration and Presentation …
2,08 €
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Židovská menšina v Československu po druhé světové válce [The...

A collection of papers focusing on hitherto little-known topics relating to Jewish history in Czechoslovakia after the Second World War. The papers are from...
Židovská menšina v Československu po druhé světové válce [The Jewish Minority in Czechoslovakia after the Second World War]
4,58 €
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Židovská menšina v Československu v letech 1956 – 1968 [The Jewish...

A collective monograph focusing on the Jewish minority in Czechoslovakia in the 'golden' 1960s. 145 pp. ISBN 978-80-87366-09-7
Židovská menšina v Československu v letech 1956 – 1968 [The Jewish Minority in Czechoslovakia, 1956 – 1968]
4,58 €
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Židé v Čechách 3 [The Jews in Bohemia 3]

A collection of papers from the third seminar on the history of the Jews in Bohemia, which was held in Tachov in October 2010. The focus remains on recent...
Židé v Čechách 3 [The Jews in Bohemia 3]
6,46 €
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Židé v Čechách 2 [The Jews in Bohemia 2]

A collection of papers from the second seminar on the history of the Jews in Bohemia, which was held in September 2008 by the Jewish Museum in Prague in...
Židé v Čechách 2 [The Jews in Bohemia 2]
6,46 €
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Židovská menšina za druhé republiky [The Jewish Minority during the...

This collection of papers follows on from the previous two collections: The Jewish Minority in Czechoslovakia in the 1920s and The Jewish Minority in...
Židovská menšina za druhé republiky [The Jewish Minority during the Second Republic of Czechoslovakia]
4,58 €
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Moje setkání s židovstvím [My Encounters with Jewishness]

A collection of papers from a lecture series that was held at the Jewish Museum’s Education and Culture Centre between March 2004 and January 2006. In these...
Moje setkání s židovstvím [My Encounters with Jewishness]
3,75 €
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Golem v náboženství, vědě a umění [The Golem in Religion, Science...

This Czech-Spanish collection contains ten papers by renowned Czech and Argentine authors and is based on a seminar that was held as part of the Golem...
Golem v náboženství, vědě a umění [The Golem in Religion, Science and Art]
3,75 €
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Americká židovská literatura [American Jewish Literature]

A collection of seven lectures given by Hany Ulmanová, focusing on 20th-century American Jewish literature – notably Isaac Bashevis Singer, Bernard Malamud,...
Americká židovská literatura [American Jewish Literature]
5,83 €
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Fase pražských židovských rodin z let 1748-1749 (1751) [Sworn...

The Jews of Prague spent the difficult years of 1745-1748 in the countryside, where they had been exiled on the basis of an unsubstantiated accusation of...
Fase pražských židovských rodin z let 1748-1749 (1751) [Sworn Declarations of Prague Jewish Families, 1748–1749 (1751)]
14,38 €
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Ark of Memory

At the end of 2012, the Jewish Museum in Prague, together with the Academia publishing house, prepared another outstanding publication – a monograph on the...
Ark of Memory
20,42 €
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Prague Synagogues

This book deals with the history and current state of seven of the most prominent synagogues in Prague. It features detailed architectural and historical...
Prague Synagogues
16,25 €
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Built by Angels

A Czech translation by Pavla Niklová of US writer and illustrator Mark Podwal’s book Built by Angels. In lyrical prose, this book tells the story of the...
Built by Angels
7,92 €
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Silver Judaica

This is the first time that the Jewish Museum's collection of ritual silver objects has been published to this extent. This detailed catalogue (in English)...
Silver Judaica
18,75 €
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6,04 €
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Hebrew Abbreviations

This new publication on Hebrew abbreviations in Jewish dedicatory inscriptions is the result of long-term epigraphic research into the Jewish Museum’s...
Hebrew Abbreviations
4,79 €
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100 Items from the Jewish Museum in Prague

Published for the 100th anniversary of the Jewish Museum in Prague, this illustrated catalogue features a hundred of the most interesting items from the...
100 Items from the Jewish Museum in Prague
14,58 €
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