Judaica Bohemiae XXXVI

STUDIES AND ARTICLES Ivo Cerman: Anti-Jewish Superstitions and the Expulsion of the Jews from Vienna in 1670 (transl. the author) Michal Frankl: The Background of the Hilsner Case. Political Antisemitism and Allegations of Ritual Murder 1896 - 1900 (transl. M. Makovec) Kateřina Čapková: Jewish Elites in the 19th and 20th Centuries. The B'nai B'rith Order in Central Europe (transl. the author) Iveta Vondrášková: The Czech-Jewish Assimilation Movement and its Reflection of Czech National Traditions (transl. L. Paukertová) Andrea Braunová: Origin of the Book Collection of the Library of the Jewish Museum in Prague (transl. M. Zbavitelová) Anna Hyndráková - Anna Lorencová: Systematic Collection of Memories Organized by the Jewish Museum in Prague - VII (transl. M. Makovec) CHRONICLE Leo Pavlát: The Jewish Museum in Prague - 2000 Annual Report (transl. S. Hattersley)

Židovské muzeum v Praze, 2001
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