Judaica Bohemiae LVI - 1


  • SOUKUP Daniel, Anti-Jewish Rhetoric of Canon Law: Ecclesiastical Legislation and Jews in the 14th-Century Bohemian Lands /5–28/
  • BUŇATOVÁ Marie, Jewish Goldsmiths in Early Modern Prague: A Paper on Immigration, Labour Mobility, and Socio-Economic Relations in 16th-Century Prague Jewish Society /29–60/
  • STOKLÁSKOVÁ Zdeňka, Silent (In)Tolerance? Jewish Academics in the Office of Rector at the German University of Prague before 1933 /61-92/


  • SIDENBERG Michaela – CERMANOVÁ Iveta – ŠPLÍCHALOVÁ Jana, Jews in the Bohemian Lands, 19th–20th Centuries: New Permanent Exhibition of the Jewish Museum in Prague at the Spanish Synagogue /93–111/
  • PAŘÍK Arno, Restoration of the Synagogue in Police (Pullitz) /113-123/
  • MATUŠÍKOVÁ Lenka, Exhibition ‘Translocation Plans of Jewish Settlements in the 18thCentury’ /125-128/


  • HAUSER Jakub – JANÁČOVÁ Eva, eds., Obrazy nenávisti. Vizuální projevy antisemitismu ve střední Evropě [Imagery of Hatred. Visual Antisemitism in Central Europe] (Ivana Ebelová) /129–135/
  • HALLAMA Peter, Národní hrdinové a židovské oběti: Holokaust v české kulturní paměti [National Heroes and Jewish Victims: The Holocaust in Czech Cultural Memory] (Alena Heitlinger) /136–138/

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