Judaica Bohemiae XLVI-1


  • RAMON Orit, 'One Hundred and Twenty Seven Provinces'. Political Reality, Political Thought, and Jewish Existence in Exile in Maharal’s Commentary on the Book of Esther /5–32/
  • PUTÍK Alexandr, Prague Jews and Judah Hasid. Studies on Social, Political and Religious History in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries (Part Three) /33–72/
  • KOELTZSCH Ines, Antijüdische Straßengewalt und die semantische Konstruktion des ,Anderen' im Prag der Ersten Republik /73–99/


  • VESELSKÁ Dana, Assessment of the Informative Value of Data on Collection Points in the German Catalogue on the Basis of the Example of Textiles from the Collection Point 'Jemnice/Moravské Budějovice' (Jamnitz/Mährisch Budwitz) /101–114/
  • PAŘÍK Arno, 'Baroque Synagogues in the Czech Lands’ Exhibition', The Jewish Museum in Prague, 3 March - 28 August 2011 /115–122/
  • ŠTINDL Martin, 'Moravia as a Mirror to Europe'. Ethnic Minorities in Moravia until 1918. XXXI. Mikulov Symposium, 13–14 October 2010 /123–125/
  • STÁRKOVÁ Magdaléna, 'Ludwig August Frankl (1810–1894): Ein jüdischer Kosmopolit in Mitteleuropa'. Olomouc, 12–14 December 2010 /127–130/
  • PÁLKA Petr, The Seventeenth 'Jews and Moravia' Conference in Kroměříž /131–137/


  • MILLER Michael Laurence, Rabbis and Revolution. The Jews of Moravia in the Age of Emancipation (Iveta Cermanová) /139–149/

Židovské muzeum v Praze, 2011
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