Judaica Bohemiae XL

STUDIES AND ARTICLES: Hana Legnerová: Aleš Valenta: Jews in Eastern Bohemia from the End of the Thirty-Years-War to the End of the Eighteenth Century. On hitherto findings and further possibilities for study (transl. S. Hattersley); Iveta Cermanová: The Second Part of the Chronicle “The Events of Times” (“Qorot Ha-Ittim”) by Abraham Trebitsch of Mikulov (Nikolsburg). A Contribution to the Research of 19th-century Jewish Historiography (transl. L. Paukertová); Herberet Migsch: Das Jonabuch „auf den nigun fun Schmuel buch“ (Prag, 1598). Der Erstdruck; Leon I. Yudkin: Kafka and the Prague Circle; Magda Veselská: Jewish and Related Museums in Czechoslovakia in the First Republic (transl. S. Hattersley); Dana Veselská: “And She Took Her Veil, and Covered Herself” (Genesis 24:65). ‘Bridal Head Coverings’ from Collections of the Jewish Museum in Prague (transl. S. Hattersley); Arno Pařík: History and Renovation of Jičín Synagogue (transl. S. Hattersley); Tereza Dubinová: Report on the Jičín Fire of 23 June 1840 (Found in the Genizah of Jičín Synagogue) (transl. S. Hattersley); Miroslav Marada: The Oldest Tombstones in the Jewish Cemetery of Tovačov (Tobitschau) (transl. S. Hattersley); Tomáš Alušík: The Influence of Classical Antiquity on Jewish Tombs in Prague, c. 1900 (transl. the author and D. Paton) EDITION: Pavel Kocman: Die jüdische Besiedlung Mährens im Jahre 1667. Die Steuererklärungsbriefe zur Haussteuer (übersetzt von Wolf Spitzbart) CHRONICLE: Leo Pavlát: The Jewish Museum in Prague – Annual Report for 2004 (transl. S. Hattersley) BIBLIOGRAPHY: Lenka Matušíková: History of the Jews and Jewish Communities in the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries in Czech Popular Educational and Specialist Literature of the Last Decade (transl. S. Hattersley)

Židovské muzeum v Praze, 2005
Vědecká ročenka - sborník vědeckých příspěvků k dějinám židovské komunity v Čechách a na Moravě. Příspěvky jsou v angličtině nebo němčině, v některých ročnících i francouzsky.

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